Hold onto your feathers as a duck finds itself in a rib-tickling predicament in this uproarious video! Watch as this adorable quacker unintentionally gets tied up in a comical twist of fate, leadin...
Get ready for a comedy extravaganza as a pint-sized pup finds himself entangled in the purr-fectly amusing world of feline frolics. This side-splitting video captures the uproarious misadventures o...
Inventor Caleb Olson from Minnesota has developed the Poopcopter, a drone designed to pick up dog waste.The Poopcopter autonomously patrols areas like backyards or parks, detects dog poop in real-time...
The ATSB reminds helicopter operators involved in overwater operations of the importance of undertaking regular Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) for all crew and regular passengers to incr...
A look ahead to the MLB game between METS and BREWERS. Your source for scores, previews, recaps, box scores, and more from every Major League Baseball. The schedule is set, and we're ready for so...