Hold onto your feathers as a duck finds itself in a rib-tickling predicament in this uproarious video! Watch as this adorable quacker unintentionally gets tied up in a comical twist of fate, leadin...
Deep under the Pacific Ocean and even deeper under the Earth’s crust, researchers have just discovered what some are describing as a mysterious and ancient megastructure. It was discovered using sei...
The yellow flag of the designated terrorist organisation Hezbollah was spotted at a rally in Melbourne. Video by AAP. ACM does not suggest that any person pictured at these protests should be charged,...
A fisherman discovered a dead shark filled with rubbish and fishing lines.Wade Papenfus, 26, from Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, was filming a video of himself speed fishing when he came across th...
Step into the wild side of suburbia with this uproarious video capturing the hijinks of a domestic cat with a leopard-like coat in a backyard setting. Watch as this feline prowls and plays, showcas...
The ATSB reminds helicopter operators involved in overwater operations of the importance of undertaking regular Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) for all crew and regular passengers to incr...